There are times when the world reminds you that you controls nothing. Today one of those days. I wake up pretty confident of another common but nice day and suddenly it starts getting dark and cloudy and by the afternoon the solution was to come back to Cuba again. A misunderstanding in my visa terms leads to this. I don’t blame anyone or anything but me and yet, is just life, it happens some times.
Now I have a hard mixture of feelings, in one side is the happiness to see my family, usual friends and usual environment again and the other side is the family I drop here and all the plans thrown under the bus.
I’m not saying goodbye, I will still be in my place poking code and doing my best, just unplugged from the world but will do my best to eventually breath again internet, and hopefully meeting really soon. I’m just saying: See you all
When Wind Blows Changes
Posted on the 29 November 2012 by FarstharyYou Might Also Like :