Diaries Magazine

When You Should Just Read the Graffiti in the Wall…

Posted on the 30 June 2012 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Stuff like when you make coffee and come back ten minutes later, and it is everywhere but in the pot.

Which means the delay for consumption is now fifteen more minutes away, because there is no more left that is ground.

And you will now need to do laundry…and find more paper towels.

Or when you get your period…when you are thirty two days late, and fairly sure in your own tiny little mind that menopause is not such a bitch and you are done with it forever…and you are camping in the bush. With no bathrooms.

Or when you are fifteen minutes out of town and you realize that you don’t have any benedryl and if the love of your life gets stung, he could die.

So you turn around and come back home to get it and then realize there actually was some in your console the whole time.

And it was your fault cause you didn’t move the stack of thirty CD’s sitting on top of them.

So you finally get back out there, and you drive…and drive, and explore and drive.

But you are too picky on a Canada Day long weekend, and turn a couple of good spots down…and drive more.

And laugh and listen to some good tunes…and tell funny stories…and laugh some more.

And at 11 pm your stubborn asses finally give up, and come home. I mean who the hell wants to try and blow up an air mattress in the dark. Or cook that late. Ya. We didn’t eat either. At that point pretzels and sunflower seeds no longer count.

So we order pizza, and eat it in bed.

Today is a new day.

We are trying again. Seriuosly. We are stubborn fuckers. (sorry Dad)

Hopefully I will be missing until Tuesday.

Happy camping!!!

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