It's the time of year when you get to go on a cut-price (or free) day out to celebrate St Andrew's Day. And all you have to do is decide where you'd like to go.
One of Boy Three's favorite destinations is Fish Land. That's what he calls the Sealife Centre at Lomond Shores.
We were all supposed to go today, but, sadly, Boy One wasn't very well. Don't panic, he rallied in time for a bacon and egg lunch. But that meant the Panther and Boys Two and Three had to go off and look for fish by themselves.
They found plenty of fish, but they also found Nemo and at least one Octonaut.
I was sorry to miss the seahorses as they're my favorite - they're just so other-worldly.
And the Panther was particularly enamoured of the fish he spotted in a pot. But then again, it's closest to his favorite kind of fish - the one most likely discovered in batter next to some chips.
It's a great destination for some fin fun and on a large scale. You're bound to haddock a fab day out. So get trout the door...
But, dreadful fish puns aside, (thank cod for that), Sealife Centre is one of 130 destinations taking part in the scheme. Other places include the Edinburgh Dungeon, House for an Art Lover and many more. Visit the Day Oot website for more details.
We were given tickets to Sealife Centre in exchange for telling you about the fab offers for St Andrew's Day, but I'd have probably told you about it anyway.