Posted on the 16 August 2012 by Annadicus
I've missed you all so! RA training has been very, very busy and hectic to say the least. I've been in training sessions, mandatory fun time events, making decorations and other crafts for the hall and for training, and trying my hardest to get at least 5 hours of sleep each night. I have had such a great time this year at RA training and I have quite a few pictures to prove that. I'm a believer! Coke does taste better from a glass bottle! But man! They are hard to open! Mexican for dinner! Telling "on the job" stories! Lots of things happen in the life of an RA! Picture day and it's raining... Ellington Staff! Matthew and I before a training session! Ladies of Ellington (not paying attention) and a photo bomb from our boss! Ellington Pirates! Passed out! Sleep is something that most people lack during RA training. I want to make something like this! We had fun talking to Siri last night. These are our actual conversations! She was so funny! Well that is all for my pictures as of right now but we have another week of training so I will be back for more! It's going to get even busier! Wish me luck!