What Nintendo handheld console do you own? There’s now three choices: the normal 3DS, the big 3DS XL, or the new 2DS. They all have lots of different features to make them unique, but they all have a battery. But which one has the best battery? The battery that will last the longest on those massive car journeys or train trips? Family Gamer TV decided to play detective and find out!
Andy from Family Gamer TV tested three consoles out, each one playing Mario Kart for as long as they could. You’d think perhaps that the 2DS, without a 3D screen, would last the longest. You’re almost right! It lasts 4 hours 25 minutes. But it was beaten to the top slot by around half an hour by the 3DS XL with a battery life of 4 hours and 58 minutes. The normal 3DS came out bottom with 3 hours 56 minutes, so the 3DS XL has more than an entire hour more battery power in it. Perhaps the bigger size of the 3DS XL allows it to have a bigger, better battery.
Is an hour a really important amount of time for you, or would you be happy with the 3 hours 56 minutes of the normal 3DS (which is still quite a long time!)? Let us know what you think of the experiment in the Twitter comments! And subscribe to Family Gamer TV for more cool gaming videos.