When you walk into a public bathroom there are 2 options. You can either go into a very wide spacious stall or a tiny cramped stall. Obviously, the wide spacious stall is labeled as the handicap stall. Remember how I hate doing anything that could get me in trouble? If you don’t, read THIS POST about my insane fear of sitting in the wrong seat at the movie theater.
One of my biggest fears is that I’ll be in the ladies room in the handicap stall enjoying all the leg room then I finish my business and open the door… you all know what I picturing right? A little old lady who can barely hold up her own head and her feeble body barely works, hence the wheelchair. I would open that door, she her sad eyes. In the 30 seconds it takes me to pee, she would probably pee herself. She would be embarrassed and mad. Her daughter that's used all her finances to take care of her mother would be upset. I love the elderly, so imagine how much my heart would break when her sweet granny grin turns into a horrible granny glare.
I think fears hold everyone back to a certain extent. I am so terrified of running into this situation that I will come back to the bathroom in 10 minutes if the handicap stall is the only one open. I honestly have probably only been in a handicap stall 4 times in my life. Each time I had a minor panic attack, telling my bladder, “EMPTY FASTER!! go, go go!”
Do you have any strange situations that bring you anxiety?