Ryan and I would both love a boy (since there are no boys on my side of the family and I am scared that we don't possess the ability to have any!).
At the same time, I only know girls, so I think taking care of one would be much easier. Plus, I would love to have a mini me to dress up and hang out with.
My friend Stormy just posted about gender predictions, so I thought it was fitting that I do the same and also give you guys the chance to weigh in on your thoughts. Read below to see what all the old wives tales say and then vote yourself!!!
If the heartbeat is over 140 beats per minute then it's a girl. If it's lower, it's a boy.We haven't gotten an official heartbeat reading from the doctor, but my doppler at home always reads pretty high. When my mother in law heard it this weekend she said it was extremely fast.GIRL
If you're craving sweet things, its a girl. If you're dying for salty or sour things, then its a boy.I have been craving both at times, but overall through the past 14 weeks, salty has won out. Sweet actually nauseated me the majority of the time in the first trimester.BOY
Mood test: Mostly happy? Then it's a boy. More moody? Then it's a girl.I've been pretty happy except boughts of crying over things. I haven't really been cranky like when I used to PMS though.BOY
Chinese Birth Chart - This method uses the Lunar calendar to determine your babies gender by taking note of the mothers age at time of conception along with the month of conception. According to this calendar, Age at conception: 26, Month of conception: JanuaryBOY
Even/odd test: If your birth year and your age are both even numbers or both odd numbers then you are going to give birth to a girl. If one is odd, the other even, a boy is on the way. My birth year is: 1986, My age is: 26GIRL
Legend says that if you're having a girl, she'll steal your beauty and your skin will break out. If you don't experience any acne, it's a boy.I've had horrible breakouts since being pregnant! Where the heck is my pregnancy glow?!?GIRL
If you find yourself clumsier with pregnancy, you're having a boy. If you remain grounded and still in control of your body, it's a girl.I don't really think I've noticed being clumsy. GIRL
If dad gains weight, it's a girl. If his weight stays the same, it's a boy.Ryan complains he's getting chubby, but he still weighs the same. BOY
Morning Sickness? If you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester, think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with nary an upset stomach, it's blue all the way. I am still getting nausea on and off... GIRL
If you are carrying the baby low and in front then it means you're having a boy. If you're carrying high and expand horizontally, then it means you're having a girl.It's a little early to figure this one out...especially since I have a miniscule bump. I do, however, feel like I look a lot wider...BOY/GIRL
Ring test: Take a piece of string, tie your wedding band to it and dangle it above the bump. If it swings back and forth it's a girl. If it swings in a circle it's a boy.Every time it goes in a circle. BOY
Sleeping test: If you sleep more on your right side it's a girl. If you sleep more on your left side it's a boy.I am so uncomfortable sleeping lately, but the right side feels much better than the left...even though I know the left side is better long term for the baby. GIRL
And, the totals are:
BOY= 5