Self Expression Magazine

Who Are You?

Posted on the 01 April 2013 by Jhouser123 @jhouser123

Take the survey by clicking here!

I want you to tell me who you are, what you want to read, and what you want to share with your friends.  Why? Well when you blog a lot and are expected to put out a blog around once a day, it starts to be a game of content.  You start by asking yourself “What is there to write about?” then you ask “What is right for my blog?” and then you end up asking “What do my viewers want to read?”  and pretty soon you end up with 1 good topic a week.  This is a problem when you are like me and are trying to build a readership.

The first question is easy to answer.  As long as someone in the world is doing something, there is a reason to write about it.  The second question, not so easy, but not so bad either.  For a blog like mine, just about anything catchy or trending is right to put on here.  The only problem is staying on top of things and not breaking them too far after they happen.  The third question, well that is a lot less easy to figure out…

When you are trying to build a blog from the ground up with no ties to anyone and no base readership, you have to make the catchiest posts possible, with dynamic content, colorful pictures, and something interesting at the heart of it all, and I can honestly say any given post may have half of those on a good day.  You also have to consider what your readers want to read, what they care about, and what they will share.  Not easy when you don’t know your audience.

So in light of that, I want to issue a challenge to my audience.  I want you to tell me what you want to see on this blog.  I want you to tell me what matters to you, what you want to see on your screen, what you actually care about enough to read.  How, you might ask? Well it is going to be really really easy.  I want you to fill out a survey, and you will be entered into a drawing to win a free shirt!  So please, I am begging you, take my survey, and with any luck you will be seeing even better content on this blog soon!

You can take the survey by clicking here!

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