Who Are You?

Posted on the 20 October 2013 by The Contender @The__Contender

Who is this guy?

THE.FuTuRE: "CoNTeNDeR who are you and what right do you have to talk about real life issues? 
Are you a qualified life coach, psychologist, philosopher? No. You are just a guy from the UK who's downshifted to rural France. 
Be a good boy, don't upset every one with your provocative thoughts and keep your conversation to the weather"
Who am I to..... blog about real life challenges? Mainly these are the challenges the author has dealt with down the years and continues to struggle with. These are unique challenges to THE.CoNTeNDeR so what is the point in sharing them through a blog? Please read on and make your own opinion.
Who am I to.....talk about what has worked for the TriBe. We have been very fortunate to have had good university educations and good jobs. This is not "normal" says some our incomes were above normal. Did we squander a lot of money – yes. Did we ride the housing bubble – no. Have we inherited wealth – no. We have two kids. How many other people are like us / comparable? So is this blog only for the few and only some of the few would find it of any interest whatsoever?
Who am I to...... talk about financial independence. THE.CoNTeNDeR reads a lot, collates a lot of information and tries to convey opportunities and concerns on this site. If THE.CoNTeNDeR wearing rose tinted glasses, is he only seeing what he is looking for? Does everyone have their own "filter glasses"? How can this site ever be un-biased as its goal is talking about financial independence as fast as possible. Is this reckless?
Who am I to...talk about seeking happiness. Does anyone know what happiness is for a starter? From reading around the subject many have commented. It is even mentioned famously in the US constitution? but does not say what it is. Writing about what makes us happy will have absolutely no bearing on the MAJORITY of readers so what is the point?
Who are you...... all THE.CoNTeNDeR knows is that each of us is a unique individual with unique talents, ideas, opinions and personal circumstances. Perhaps you have stumbled onto this blog and are now moving on because the topic is of no interest. Perhaps you are someone reading about ideas for a different life and what that looks like. Perhaps
So as THE.FuTuRe says (on this blog at least :) "Who are you CoNTeNDeR to write THIS blog on THIS topic". Is this just a good way to lose friends and alienate people. Who really wants to know too much about a friend through a blog? Will this just destroy the relationship as THE.CoNTeNDeR has chosen a different path and is writing all about it?
THE.FuTuRe: "You know what you want CoNTeNDeR so why not keep your gob shut!"THECoNTeNDeR: "Perhaps this is my way of rebelling against social norms, a way of justifying our plans and philosophising on the outcome of our choices. Perhaps some of the insights found along the way will be of use to someone else. It would be nice to share thoughts with people either thinking of changing their life around or those who have already downshifted / changed their life balance. Perhaps it is completely the wrong thing to do. Who knows? One thing that has been learnt is you only know by trying and doing."
THE.CoNTeNDeR is trying this blog. Time will tell if this was a wise thing to do. Perhaps it will be of some use. If it does cause harm / offense will it be time to go dark? Change the topic to some other hobby or just talk about the weather!
Peace Prosperity and Happiness
Who is that bloke? That bloke is THE.CoNTeNDeR.
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