Diaries Magazine
Who Else Has Already Started Their Christmas Shopping?!
Posted on the 18 September 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Usually I am one of those people who likes to start my Christmas shopping in January - I love going around the sales and finding ideal little gifts for people to put away for next year. But last January I was heavily pregnant and still in the throes of morning sickness, and so the very last thing I felt like doing was lugging my gigantic pregnant self around the shops to buy gifts for next year! Since then I have been too pre-occupied with giving birth and looking after a newborn to think much about Christmas shopping....until now! A few days ago, my Facebook newsfeed was suddenly filled with the news that there was LESS THAN 100 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! Being a huge fan of the festive season, I let out an excited little squeal when I saw this....then I realised that I haven't bought a single thing yet, and the panic set in! And so, I got myself online and started browsing straight away! One of the very first sites I came across was a new one to me - http://www.bambinodirect.co.uk/ - they are a real one-stop shop for any mummies of little babies and young children like me. They stock everything from carry cots and baby furniture, to car seats and pretty much everything in between. I have seen so many things I want to stock up on for Tyne through there - I am SO excited to start buying his gifts! I will also have a brand new little nephew this Christmas who will only be 3 months old, so I need to concentrate big time on the baby things this year! Here are a few of the things from Bambino Direct that I have my eye on: How adorable?! Have you all started your Christmas shopping yet? What have you got your eye on for your little ones this year? As always, I'd love to hear from you! If you enjoy reading my blog, please consider following me on Bloglovin HERE Thank you for reading and If you enjoyed this post, please consider following me via Bloglovin