Who Wouldn’t Love Getting This As A Birthday Gift?!

Posted on the 27 August 2013 by Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

Avengers Assemble! A pattern from Wee Little Stitches.

I would think it one of the best birthday presents ever! This is my friend’s son’s first birthday gift from Jay and I. I love it so much I was seriously tempted to keep it for myself. But I wouldn’t do that and leave the little guy without such a super amazing gift as this!

I am able to post this now as his birthday party was on Saturday. I wanted his mom and dad to be surprised as well as I was sure they would both appreciate it as much as I. I wasn’t able to make it to the party, but I am sure it was a great time both for him and for everyone else.

This piece was a fun, quick stitch that I mentioned I had started a few posts ago but was unable to go into much detail for the reasons mentioned above. I am considering making up a new one of these for us to keep in the apartment. The Avengers could keep Serenity’s Crew company!