Wholeness, Authenticity, and Stretching

Posted on the 28 January 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I’ve recently been quite inspired by the ever-witty Daile. She has described the blog-version of herself as, “It’s who I am.” and the simple sentence struck me as quite profound– perhaps because I would like it apply to me, too.

I want to look at the strange girl represented by this blog and think: it’s who I am.

In a manner of speaking, that’s already a true statement.

I enjoy telling honest stories, even (or maybe especially) those where I’m not the hero. I have a lot of flaws and I’m all kinds of weird– but I like myself, and I share that person with you as fairly as I can. What you see here is definitely what you would get in real life.

But even after 600 posts, it’s not a full picture, or even most of a full picture.

Part of the reason is that I so often experience the world backwards. A child will say something profound, and I’ll look back over the previous hours of my life and see what pieces fell together to create that moment of wonder. I don’t know that I’m living a story I’ll want to share until I run face-first into the punchline.

But are the punchline stories a whole picture of who I am? Is there a story worth sharing in the tales that plop instead of pop? Am I living up to my own advice and going one step farther than I need to?

Is my text-and-sometimes-meme storytelling medium the best way to tell my story, or just my favorite? Am I limiting the wholeness of my blogging authenticity because of the way I most commonly choose to employ the medium?

The word “wholeness” wiggled its way into my mind after the inspiring Kristie called it out as her word for 2014. Both Kristie and Daile seamlessly reach outside the standard mediums to share pieces of their life. They use other perspectives, videos, playlists, live-tweeting, and constantly new ways to share their respective journeys. I know their voice — but I also know their umms and ahhs. I know their smiles– but I also know how those smiles blossoms.

Perhaps I am blogging authentically, but they are blogging whole.

I admire the characteristic and I’ve decided it’s a goal worth flexing towards– so I’ve assembled a plan for a series of posts about “What the Blog Won’t Tell You”.

The posts will utilize alternate mediums and will be themed around getting to know me a little better.  The first effort towards this was “Sickasaurus Rex“.

It’s a bit of a stretching experiment for me, since I’m made mostly of words. I may rely heavily on those who know me in real life to fill in the blanks that I might forget to fill in myself. Some of the stories may plop instead of pop, but I’m hoping to gain a flexibility in my storytelling skills and a widening of acceptance in the stories I deem worth telling.

Thanks for your patience as I flap my wings around!

Don’t forget to check out the ladies I mentioned above:

And check out B4Peace!

The question for January is, “What one thought will you focus on this year to bring more peace?”  I’ve already mentioned a new personal mantra of “Choice Not Chance“, but I wanted my blog to have a focus, too.  For that, I’m going with “Stretch!” It’s my hope that all this stretching of medium and priorities brings new insights and deeper bonds– and that both those things lead to a peaceful and happy community.

I have a feeling it’s going to be fantastic.



Do you have a thought/mantra/word guiding your blog for 2014?