Who`s Responsible for This?

Posted on the 27 September 2012 by Eternallydeniedsoul

This is a picture shot 4 days ago,in Jaipur,India. Jaipur is one of the major towns of India,which is to be announced a world class heritage city. At one side of the city,sitting in their air-conditioned homes,the politicians brag about world class view of the city,and at another end of the city is this major street filled with trash and garbage for about 200 metres. Half the street is unusable due to it,people can`t even walk by side due to the foul smell of the rotting garbage.

we asked the local public about it,and they said it`s been the same from a month. A month? and yet the goverment,the local municipality has nothing to offer. So with some of the local public i went to the municipality office. We discussed the problem with them,the answer i got from them was even surprising.

They said they had installed garbage bins at both ends of the street,but the local people of that area broke them apart. They also said they have a morning service in which the officers collect trash every morning from each house,at just 50 rupees/month.Even after that if the people don`t want to co-operate with us then what can we do?

I felt quite confused,whose fault is this then?

The municipality was right about their services. Then i took some time off,ad observed for last 4 days,the local people of that area.

Surprisingly,i saw people coming at night to throw their garbage,not in the garbage bins but on the street. The only reason because the garbage bin was just few metres far. The people who spent a lot of money in glorifying their homes inside were not willing to pay a mere amount for garbage collection. They preferred to throw it on the streets. They don`t understand that when the garbage would be rotting,it will drive serious diseases in that area. And then they all have to suffer.

So i would like to point it to the government,that at some places,even if you provide all the better services,and dazzling products to make people`s life easier or even if you raise the standard of living,you just can`t change the mindset of some people,some mentally ill,sick bastards..