Why Am I Here?

Posted on the 08 December 2011 by Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

Why Am I Here?Most of the people I know have asked that question at least once in their lives. Many of them find that they ask that question on a daily basis. Discovering the meaning behind the person you are can be the key to walking in a life of peace and joy.

God created everything in this world with a specific purpose in mind. Even the things that cause us the most wonder have a purpose behind them. Lightning produces some of the nitrogen that helps plants to grow. Hurricanes clean out the river mouths so that the water can continue to flow. Even ants have their place in the design because they help to loosen soil so that seeds can grow.

That means that you are also here with a specific purpose in mind. At your creation, the Master Weaver wove together all the elements that would help you to grow into what He designed. He had a plan and a purpose for your life – and He still does.

Begin to Discover the Why behind You

Get to know the Artist. Anyone that has ever viewed a piece of art with the actual artist realizes that the perspective that the creator offers will give even more life to that piece of art. You have to spend time with God if you are to begin to understand His design.

Let go of the expectations of the world. The great THEY of the world will tell you what you need to do, how you need to do it and THEY will even draw the line that will define your success . . . if you let it happen. Begin to see things from a different perspective. Determine now to set your line of success between you and the One that designed you and you will see that working towards that success will become a more joyful experience.

Get moving in that direction. Nothing happens until something happens. Getting to the place that was designed for your life will require that you move towards that space. Remember that if you are willing to just put one foot in front of the other that you will be walking through that door in no time.

The world piles so much stuff on top of the you that was created at the beginning. Sometimes it can seem like a myth that you have purpose behind your design. The Creator did nothing by chance or by accident. You will discover the you that He designed when you begin to recognize that you do have a WHY.