Diaries Magazine

Why Are My Bills So High?

Posted on the 31 March 2021 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
Why Are My Bills So High?

Not sure why your bills are so high? There could be a few reasons for unusually high bills. Below are some of the explanations and what you can do to reduce your bills. 


If you’ve received a high energy or water bill, it’s possible that there’s been a spike in consumption. If you and the family have been spending more time at home during lockdown, this could be a reason for higher energy usage. The Christmas period can often be an expensive time for energy bills for similar reasons and because it is colder so more heating is being consumed. Other big life changes such as having a baby or having an elderly relative move in with you could result in higher energy consumption. You may have even bought a new appliance that isn’t particularly energy-efficient. Over-usage can also be a cause of high bills when it comes to other types of bills such as your phone contract (for instance, going over your data allowance or making too many calls could result in a higher phone bill). 

Late payments

If you’d missed a bill payment, your next bill could be higher as a result of the collective unpaid bills or as a result of late payment charges. Many providers charge late payment fees to customers that pay late, although there should usually be a warning beforehand. Consider whether you’ve recently missed a payment and whether this could be a possible explanation. 

Billing errors

Occasionally, billing staff make errors. This could result in you receiving a bill that is way too expensive. This is something that you’ll want to enquire into - usually your provider will be able to quickly correct the bill. If you’ve been paying high bills with continuous errors, it’s possible that you may be able to claim your money back.


When it comes to high energy bills and water bills, it’s also worth considering the likeliness of a leak. A plumbing leak could result in you consuming more water, while a gas leak could result in higher gas bills. It’s even possible to get electrical leaks in which excess electricity is being used by faulty wires. On top of spiking your bills, these leaks could be potentially dangerous so it’s worth looking into them. Leaks such as plumbing leaks often come with visible signs like damp, reduced water pressure or dripping sounds. Gas leaks tend to be more serious - you may be able to smell gas or your carbon monoxide monitor may alert you. Power cuts and temperature changes meanwhile could be signs of an electrical leak

Rising rates

Your provider may have decided to raise tariffs for all customers. You’ll usually be warned in advance if a provider decides to do this - if you didn’t get a warning by letter or email, it could be worth talking to your provider about this. 

How to lower your bills today

There are ways in which you may be able to start lowering your bills as of today. Below are just some solutions to consider. 

Call your provider up

Calling up your provider and talking to them about the price of your bills is the best way to solve any issues you may have. The operator may be able to tell you exactly why your bills are that price. They may also be able to suggest ways of lowering your bills - including potentially altering your plan or offering discounts.

Threaten to leave

Threatening to leave can sometimes gain you access to exclusive deals that you may not otherwise be offered. This is particularly the case if you’ve been a loyal customer for a few years. 

Make the switch

Sometimes switching providers is your best option - particularly if they keep raising rates or making billing errors. You may be able to access exclusive new customer deals that could save you a lot of money. There are comparison sites that you can use to find the best deals such as these best broadband deals. Make sure to factor in the cost of switching - some providers may charge fees for leaving before you’re due a renewal.

Start monitoring your usage

When it comes to energy bills, your rates may be charged depending on your usage. Start finding a way to actively monitor your usage so that you can start reducing how much energy you use. This could result in lower future bills. A few ways to reduce energy usage could include turning off lights when not in a room, unplugging devices that aren’t in use and using the heating less.

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