PaymentsIf you do not keep up the payments for your car insurance you could have your insurance policy cancelled. There will be a period that you can go into arrears, but if this is not resolved in a quick manner your insurer has the right to suspend your policy until payment is made. Of course, the best way to ensure you’re able to afford the monthly payments is to find the cheapest policy you can. With this in mind, it might be a good idea to compare quotes with quotezone.co.uk, which increases your odds of finding a suitable policy at a cheaper price.Out of Policy UseThere are many different types of specific car insurance policies but the two main types are personal and business use. It is very important that you always make sure you have the correct level of cover depending on how you are using the car. If your policy only covers you for ‘domestic, personal and pleasure’ use but you are using it for business purposes you run the risk of invalidating your insurance. SafetyIf you are not taking care of your motor vehicle then this could also invalidate the motor car insurance. Examples of this would be doing the basic checks on oil, tyres and lights but also making sure that your car has the valid MOT certificate. Cars that have been on the road for more than 3 years will require to have this completed annually by an approved mechanic.SummaryHaving an insurance policy does not mean you do not have other obligations. If you are hoping to insure your family car, you must make sure that you do not have your policy revoked.