Why’d You Put Your Blog Shoes On, If You Didn’t Come to Dance?

Posted on the 14 October 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I love prompts and challenges. To me, they’re the crazy country farm dance of the ‘sphere.

Guest posting can be quite social, too, but it’s more formal– like prom. You were told a date and time, and restrictions, and everyone knows what role they’re supposed to play. It’s a beautiful, elegant, non-spontaneous thing.

(Speaking of guest posts, TheMatticusKingdom and myself are babysitting EverydayGurus while Kozo is away. We’re solving the world. Check out theMatticus offering today, and eagerly await mine on Thursday! http://everydaygurus.com/2013/10/14/humanity-lost/)

And, of course, commenting is quite social too– but that’s more like an impromptu backyard party. Sometimes someone remembers the beer, sometimes not. Sometimes it’s so crowded that you run out of potato chips, and sometimes it’s so empty that you eat a whole bag yourself.

I found this on the internet after confidently searching, “Cat in Pringles Can” because I knew it had to exist in a multitude of forms. Cats, eh.

Prompts are great because they combine these social elements of the blogosphere. There’s a time, date, schedule, and theme– but it’s informal. You never know who’s coming or what they’re bringing, and the restrictions are reasonable things like “Don’t wear a dress made of saran wrap.”

I often hear that prompts are too restrictive for people, and I understand– though I try to stay active within the prompt world and I very often do my own thing. I work on the “Read it, and write the first thing you think about” system. It works for me, and it might work for you, too.

So, why the sales pitch?
I’m glad you asked!

I’m looking for a blog buddy (or two, or twenty two)– to dance the funky chicken with me as I make my way through YeahWrite’s version of NaBloPoMo this November.

Dance shindigs are more fun when you know your friends will be there, and — frankly– I need a little accountability to keep up with long-term scheduled events.

In the interest of that, here’s my promise to my dance buddies:

  • I will link your posts in every post I do for NaBloPoMo
  • I will comment on every one of your posts.

This is a double whammy goal for myself, because, as you know, I stink at commenting regularly.  I hope I didn’t bite off more than I can chew, but last year, I managed NaNoWriMo and a few other things– so I think I can do this. With your help.

Mmm, it’s nearly time for November.

On that note, if you’re a lovely talented photographer, crafter, author, etc, who wants to be included on the prize list to further motivate me– I’d love that, too, and would consider you part of my blog buddy dance team. I’m also going to wrangle my husband into offering prizes for the event.  Handpainted skull mask? Faux-gold dino earrings? A beautiful Geekeria set? Who knows what will come from the mind of Dave?

From the mind of Dave…

While we’re in the hoedown spirit, I thought I’d also mention:

  • Only two more weeks for #ForThePromptless left before we go on holiday hiatus.  Then I have big plans for the posts that have already been submitted this season. You’ll want to be in on this Queen Creative action.
  • Only three days left to participate in this week’s Trifecta Challenge. They’re giving you 99 words and a whole page of the dictionary on which to dance. Plus, there’s a prize for one lucky winner– $99 to Amazon.com, or hopefully, a local book store!
  • In November, I plan to celebrate Label Day again. I’d love for you to join. In my year of blogging, it remains one of my favorite posts.  You can see last year’s here: http://rarasaur.wordpress.com/2012/11/21/bloggers-celebrate-label-day/


Alright– who’s in?  And even if you’re not in, maybe you could give us some team name suggestions and be on our Official Cheer Squad.  What are your November plans?


Update: The (un-named) Team So Far :

  • http://howanxious.wordpress.com/
  • http://phrogmom.wordpress.com/
  • http://girldanslacite.com/