Why Failure is Good for the Soul

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
"No." It's a horrible word isn't it? Crammed with its negativity that fills us with dread and it's a word that is so often followed with a great sense of failure. What starts as "No, you can't sleep over at your friends" was a failure to persuade your mum to let you sleep over, whilst "No, I don't want to go out with you", is a failure to snag yourself a boy/girlfriend.
As we grow up it seems that the world is just bursting with this excess of "No". "No, you can't have a mortgage with us." "No, you were not successful with your job application." "No, you're not coming into this swanky A-List Night Club." Of course some aren't the end of the world, in fact, ultimately none of them really are, never were and most definitely never will be.
We might treat the word "No" as a failure, but the real question is: Is failure really such a bad thing?
The point is that everyone fails, because it's not possible for everyone to succeed all of the time. Not everyone can get that one job, whilst that hunky guy can only pick one girl. And if someone tries to tell you that they have never failed at anything in their entire life, chances are that they are probably lying.

Pick Yourself Up

Failure is never easy, but the way to deal with it is to have a little cry and then pick yourself up and look at the positives.
Dealing with failure forces us to re-evaluate what we want out of life, and re-evaluation is always a great thing, because it also forces us to face areas of our lives that we've perhaps been neglecting. But don't think that just because you've failed at something then that must mean that that obviously isn't what you should be doing. That isn't necessarily true. If you don't get a job, maybe you just weren't suitable for that specific job. Maybe the company wasn't right for you. There are always other jobs and other opportunities.
I'm an honest believer that it is essential for a person to hit rock bottom at least once in their life, purely so that they can see, more easily, how far they have climbed and can truly appreciate what they have achieved.

Even the Best People Fail

Albert Einstein is probably one of the most well-known geniuses of the 20th Century. A German theoretical physicist, Einstein was the brain behind the theory of relativity. However, whilst his theories made him a considerably "successful" person both during and after his life, Einstein was not without his failures. Indeed, his entire career was filled with mistakes in his theories and calculations. Did he let those mistakes hold him back? Of course not, and it actually took Einsteain several attempts to get the whole E = mc2 matter correct.
Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister throughout the majority of World War II and is considered to be a successful man, in fact, he is probably the most well-known Prime Minister due to his successes, however, it was Churchill who once said:
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Thomas Edison, the first man to patent devices that led to the invention of a great many of the things that we use today such as the camera and light bulb was quoted as saying:
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
It's also important to remember that life never goes where you intend it to, because virtually nothing ever goes to plan. The secret to failure is twisting it around and turning it into a success. Okay, so you didn't get that job, but if you had, you wouldn't have got that even better job a few months later, or you wouldn't have realised what an awful company it would have been to work for. 
Believe that everything happens for a reason.