Self Expression Magazine

Why I Cannot Go To The Toilet Without First Looking Into It (With Comic Strips)

Posted on the 17 July 2013 by Rachelmariestone @rachel_m_stone

Screen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.18.15 PMScreen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.18.27 PMScreen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.23.23 PMScreen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.23.33 PMScreen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.27.26 PMScreen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.55.49 PMWhich is why, 26 years later:

Screen shot 2013-07-17 at 2.18.15 PM{inspired by this disgusting post from Slate: “A Brief History of Toilet-Based Animal Attacks.”}

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