Why Is It Such A Big Deal That Michelle Obama Presented An Oscar?

Posted on the 28 February 2013 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
I seriously don't get it.  People are freaking out.
Calm the fuck down, y'all. 
She beamed in, announced a winner, smiled all pretty, and that was that.

Now, I'm not sure why she needed that whole crowd of people with her, but whatever.  I've heard the argument that she shouldn't be using service members as props, and I can see that being valid, but it doesn't seem to be the main complaint.  People are saying she's like...invading normal life too much.
Personally I think it's nice to see her pop up.  To see that she's involved.  Eleanor Roosevelt was that way, and she's one of the most respected and well-remembered first ladies in our nation's history.  Wouldn't we complain more if we never saw her?  I'd rather have leaders who edge on overly enthusiastic than leaders who don't give a shit.
I say lay off.  Quit nit-picking.  There are SO many issues to discuss and things to get your feathers ruffled over that take precedence over this by like a million levels.
And that is my two cents.