Diaries Magazine

Why is My Leg Wet?

Posted on the 08 August 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann

You know those days where nothing goes right? I had one of those days yesterday. I woke up feeling defeated already and it was only 7am. I couldn’t get my eyes to open up, and just felt bland. I wasn’t grumpy or sad, I just felt like there was nothing going my way and my mood was off. Even the little things were bothering me like my pants felt tighter on my waste, so I didn’t feel like I looked my best. When I was struttin’ around in the 2nd floor’s break room (not my company), no one even glanced my direction. How rude! It makes such a huge difference to feel good about your appearance, and directly affects your mood for the day. At least for me it does.

{An outfit I’d feel good in}


Just remember I really wasn’t feeling depressed, just not on my game. I felt like I never fully woke up. It took forever for lunch to roll around, and even then I wasn’t sure if I wanted to leave the building because I didn’t know if I wanted to come back. I kept thinking if I could take a nap then I could wake up in a better mood. It’s like waking up on the wrong side of the bed, I thought maybe could reverse the process. My day at work just dragged on. I really wanted to go home and just relax, take a nap, and do nothing. When the clock hit 5 o’clock I was packed up and ready to go. I had bought a Dr. Pepper at the gas station on my lunch break. I threw everything in my purse including the Dr. Pepper, and pretty much ran like a fool in my high heels to the elevator. We have the SLOWEST elevators in the world. It takes like 45 seconds to get down one floor, which usually it’s like 2 seconds. So I am at the 3rd floor (one floor down) and I notice my leg is wet. My first thought was that I had been sweating in my knee pit. I was all grossed out by myself, then I remember the Dr. Pepper. I frantically start grabbing things out of my purse and finally find the culprit. The cap wasn’t twisted closed, and had made a soda swimming pool for my wallet, cash, phone, lip glosses, and gum. I grab my phone out and start wiping it on my shirt. I am a sticky mess at this point. My purse is dripping Dr. Pepper, and I am trying to act like nothing is happening. Finally I make it out of the building with a Dr. Pepper trail behind me. I get to my car, and dumped out my entire purse which was about 90% soda, 8% wallet/ Chapstick and 2% tampons all over the parking stall.

My day had already been a off, so this just pushed me over the edge. I just tossed everything in my back seat and drove home. When I got home my hands were so sticky from digging through my purse that I was stuck to my steering wheel. Now instead of taking my nap, I have to clean up my own mess. Stupid me. I started to clean off everything I could, and she it came to my actual purse, I just filled it up with water like 10 times and and dumped it out, then hung it on the porch to bask in the sun.

The only things damaged were my gum and my phone. I wasn’t too worried about the gum. Even though I do love that watermelon flavor, and the pack was basically new. However I was freaking out about my phone. I could tell some moisture was inside because the camera lens was fogged up on the inside, my camera flash was on as bright as possible all the time, the home button didn’t work, the lock screen button was spastically choosing when it wanted to lock, and when it wanted to shut off the phone. Also the headphone jack was screwed up because it thought there were headphones plugged in. I couldn’t make calls because it thought there was a headset plugged in, and that turns off the mouth speaker. I basically just turned into godzilla. I was yelling at Shia, slamming doors and ferociously typing on my iPad trying to figure out what to do with the phone, if there were any fixes. I tried everything. Rice, blow dryer, rolled up tissue in the headphone jack, factory reset, and every other answer. Finally I gave up.


Jared came home to his godzilla spouse, and tried to calm me down, saying it could be worse, and other things, that you never want to hear when you’re upset. After 4 hours of searching and toying with my phone, I was just done. Done with life. I decided to take a bubble bath, and made Jared sit and talk to me the whole time. I feel better when I can talk, vent and cry. I do that a lot, I am kind of a baby. After I decided that I had been defeated like I thought when I woke up. I went to bed with my phone sitting in a bag of rice -a- roni, because I don’t have real rice. When I woke up this morning almost every glitch in my phone was fixed. My leg wasn’t wet, and I wasn’t sticky.

Life is funny, isn’t it?

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