Why Walking Is the Best Exercise #WednesdayWisdom

Posted on the 20 December 2017 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

You already know that walking is the best exercise, especially because it needs no special equipment, except for a pair of good walking shoes. This post is not about that kind of exercise, although I recommend it highly.

While walking is great for physical fitness, it can also keep you mentally fit.

Here's how.

Walk away from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger.

Walk away from people who deliberately put you down.

Walk away from any thought that reduces your worth.

Walk away from failures and fears that stifle your dreams.

Walk away from people who do not care for you and who are opportunistic.

The more you walk away from things that poison your soul, the healthier your life will be.

Walk towards love, peace, kindness, and goodness.

Walk towards your soul, into a space of self-love, and happiness. ♥

Each Wednesday, I'll bring you a short story or snippet of wisdom. This week's wisdom is from Dodinsky's "In the Garden of Thoughts." If you allow momentary defeats to find shelter in your heart, you are allowing your most beautiful dreams to become homeless.

Some of my favorite quotes by Dodinsky

"People relying on others or someone to complete them are delaying the opportunity to discover the person they are meant to be."

Some people will never 'get you'. Do not spend eternity asking why. People will see you differently, just cherish those who lift your soul.

When someone leaves you, it doesn't give you permission to run away from yourself too.

If it is detrimental to you emotionally, physically and spiritually... What choice do you have left but to let go and flourish with self-respect?

When faced with senseless drama, spiteful criticisms, and misguided opinions, walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself. To respond with anger is an endorsement of their attitude.

Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.

Closed doors. Rejections. They do not decide your fate. They simply redirect your course. You must keep moving because life's detours can also be meaningful.

To strengthen the muscles of your heart, the best exercise is lifting someone else's spirit whenever you can.

Be grateful to those who left you, for their absence gave you the strength to grow in the space they abandoned.