Why We're Spinning Next Friday: For Nathan and His Friends

Posted on the 12 July 2013 by Lillyneu
We are getting so close, y'all! 
I can't believe this time next week, I will be running around, getting ready to see friends and special people at our Spin Class for School Supplies party at Flywheel Highland Park!
With the number of seats in the Flywheel stadium and our match from The Donachie Foundation, we have the opportunity to provide 100 backpacks for abused children in Dallas in one night. That's just 45 minutes of our time, while we're enjoying an awesome cardio party ourselves! The number is huge to me, and it becomes even more powerful when you start to think of the life behind each number we are touching with a new backpack. I loved the story of Nathan that Paige, the executive director at Community Partners of Dallas, posted on her blog last year. I am so glad she is letting me share it with you today so you can see what each backpack means to a child!
"Nathan started 3rd grade in a tattered, too small uniform left over from the previous year. His pencil was a stub and the eraser was almost gone.  His spiral notebook was torn up.  He didn’t have the other supplies that he needed.  The back pack that he carried was pink, one that his half sister had left behind when she went to live with her birth father.  Nathan was teased all year.  His teacher was the one who called in a report of suspicion of child abuse to CPS toward the end of the 3rd grade year.  A CPS Investigator went to Nathan’s home and found reason to remove Nathan and place him with his paternal aunt.  Nathan has had a happy summer and CPS is working to allow Nathan’s aunt to have permanent custody of the boy.This year the first day of school will be different for Nathan.  He has already told his CPS caseworker exactly what kind of backpack he wants (blue, with black trim, and with a patch or sticker for the MAVs), and he has been excitedly talking about his new school and how this year he will be like all of the other boys.CPD will help more than 2,000 kids just like Nathan to go back to school this year with new supplies and uniforms.  We could use your help.  Since we are able to bulk purchase, every dollar you donate provides 4 dollars worth of supplies for our kids."I hope you will reach out to a child who is hurting this summer like Nathan was before by joining us at our spin class or purchasing a cake for your summer celebrations from Val's Food with a Twist, where $10 from each citrus carrot cake is going to the CPD Back to School drive!

You can RSVP for your spot at our spin class (it's Friday, July 19, at 6:00 p.m!) by emailing dallas@flywheelsports.com, and keep up with event details at our Facebook event page. A suggested donation of $25 is enough to provide two new backpacks filled with everything needed for school, but all donations and riders are invited to attend! Bring yourself, your energy and whatever you can for these kids. I promise you'll get more than a spin class in return! 
See you there!