Will Brexit Affect Our Moving Plans?

Posted on the 27 June 2016 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw

Me and my husband have been dreaming of moving for quite sometime. The allure of how a larger house could improve our lives has been one of our biggest incentives when browsing the housing market. However, with the future now feeling slightly more uncertain due to recent events regarding the EU referendum and a Brexit win, I'm wondering whether my hope's and dreams of a new home is legitimate, or should I stay put and try to make our current home work a little bit harder for us?
Of course it is early days and we can't foresee how the public's vote will impact the housing market. Will I now be facing being in negative equity? Will interest rates rise causing my mortgage rates increase further, would I then be unable to meet repayments? Or will this actually mean a better deal for homeowners, will interest rates drop? I am no expert and I think even the experts are truly unsure. But it has made me think twice about rushing to sell our home for a "bigger model".

I have mentioned before about perhaps building into our loft space, giving us a master bedroom so our tiny miniscule current third bedroom could be converted into an office space. I have been thinking of other ways we could further add value and space to our home. Underfloor Heating Trade Supplies, contacted me asking what my readers think of under floor heating in this survey. This is something that I would personally love in my home as I feel radiators just take up precious space, space which is vital in a small family home.

So as we now may be staying put a little while longer than we had originally hoped, my thoughts move to becoming slightly more proactive in our home. Our garden is due to be finished at the beginning of August (if the rain doesn't keep appearing) and further, though small, projects are in the pipeline.

I would love to hear your thoughts on maximising small spaces in family homes or even how you feel Brexit may impact the housing market. Mummy B xoxox

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