Will is the WORST!

Posted on the 19 March 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
My bff, Ellen and I decided it was due time we go to a country concert. Right? So back in February we bought tickets for Miranda Lambert. Jerrod Niemann and Chris Young came with her. The concert was on March 16th, which was on Friday. Let me just say that I personally love Jerrod Niemann. His voice is so handsome and I lover lover his songs… get it? ;) Miranda is awesome, and Chris is a new favorite - so I was insanely ecstatic for this concert. Ellen and I had a count down going, so we'd text each other each day and say "10 days" "next week" "tomorrow!" "RIGHT NOW!" So Here is Ellen and I being in love before the concert. I wanted to get our whole outfits photographed, but Jared didn't get that memo. We really did look super country though, and I was proud cowboy boots and all! Don't mind that Ellen is like 15 shades darker than I am.
Jerrod :)Chris
And of course, Mrs. Lambert

and now the reason for my post title Will is the WORST! During the last 15 minutes of Miranda singing a guy came and asked to sit by Ellen and I, because a couple had decided to leave a bit early so there were vacant seats. I was a little cautious right? He started asking what we were doing after the concert, and I was like nu uh boy, I am married up and just as I was about to take out my phone and show him photos of Jared and Shia and the happy family I have, he asked if we wanted to go back stage after the show. Then my demeanor changed. He showed us his little VIP pass and said he was the assistant tour manager, and he could get us backstage to MEET the performers! His name was Will and he was from Nashville. Then we got super excited. I told him I'd have to call and A-Ok with Jared,  because we were suppose to leave right after the concert and start driving to St. George (5 hour drive), so that meant Jared would be waiting longer to hit the road and we'd get there later than our already planned 4am arrival. So Will said well I will be right around here (we were on the floor) so find me after the show if you want to come back stage. He walked away and Ellen and I get an adrenaline rush, and we're dancing and shaking. So happy! the whole time I am texting, and I finally get ahold of Jared, and he said he didn't care one bit so then Ellen and I practically lost it! We could meet Miranda, Jerrod, Chris the whole crew! AH! So about 20 minutes later the concert ends and people start clearing out. We were searching religiously for Will, and I mean practically on our knees praying we would find him. We are ditching the crowds and then the security.. we're trying to linger in the area as long as possible. Finally the clean up crew is telling us to leave our seats and get out! They basically follow us up the stairs and out the doors. We are still determined to find him, so we walk around and linger some more. Eventually they close down the whole stadium and shuffle us out. That is why I HATE Will.  He said he would be RIGHT THERE! He wasn't! He lied to us. That's the saddest story of how I never met Miranda, Jerrod or Chris.
Before all this drama, and even a little bit after we had a freaking awesome time.
Next up, Toby Keith!