WIN A Lil’ Suckies Organic Yoghurt $50 Gift Voucher

Posted on the 21 January 2019 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Are you looking for something new and healthy to add to your kids lunch boxes? If you are I'm sure you will love this fab new healthy yoghurt from The Collective for kids.

My kids are fussy and I struggle with what to add to their lunches. Do to the fussy element I like to make sure that they are getting all the essential things they need to be healthy and strong. Oh and to function well at school and learn heaps.

If kids don't have a good breakfast or diet it can affect their education. No one can learn on an an empty belly. The same goes for when you're at work, if you are hangry you are not your best. No one is safe really until you've eaten, same for kids.

More about The Collective Organic Lil' Suckies Yoghurt

  • Not mass produced, the yoghurt is made in Australia with ingredients sourced directly from our local farms.
  • Creamy, certified organic probiotic yoghurt blended with real fruit served in a portable patch with a child-friendly cap.
  • A source of calcium with no added nasties like preservatives 'n' stuff!
  • Support recycling in Australia, The Collective have partnered with REDcycle Australia for a green disposal option for used and cleaned Suckiespouches.
  • Freezable, highly compatible with lunchboxes.
  • Vegetarian friendly and gluten free.

I was kindly given a voucher to purchase the new range of Lil' Suckies yoghurts. I purchased two of each flavour, strawberry, banana and blueberry.

The twins tried the banana and blueberry and I the blueberry as well.

My favourite is the Blueberry.

One great thing about the packs that the Lil' Suckies come in, is that you can put the lid back on them to pop back in the fridge. This is ideal if you're little one didn't finish it in one go.

You can also add to your kids cereal in the morning too.

I love the fact that the yoghurt is all organic and has fresh probiotic for little bellies.

Fun Packaging

The Collective Organic Lil' Suckies Yoghurt has fun and such eye catching packaging. On the front of the packs are Australian animals and on the back is an explanation about the animal. For example, on the banana pack there is Echida and tells you more about how strong they are. Who knew that these animals could lift very heavy things.

See the back of all the packs below, and how fantastic to have more info for kids to learn more while eating their yoghurt.

1 Reader Can Win a $50 Voucher to buy The Collective Organic Lil' Suckies Yoghurt

Simply fill out the rafflecopter form and answer the following question as a comment on this blog post:

Q. "Why would you love to win a $50 voucher to buy The Collective's Organic Suckies?

The voucher will be a digital Woolworths voucher so you can go shopping for the Lil' Suckies yoghurt and get as many as you like. Since it is a digital voucher, please make sure that you enter with an email address that you check often.

Note: If I don't hear from you within 24 hours of letting you know you have won, I will need to redraw the winner.

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A HUGE thank you to The Collective Organic Lil' Suckies Yoghurt for my voucher and for my reader. The yoghurt is yummy and such a good size for kids.

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