Win an iTunes Card for Christmas

Posted on the 11 December 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

How would you like to win an iTunes card for Christmas? It could be a nice gift for you or a stocking filler for someone else.  This is a gift from me to you as we have had such a big year this year.

Win a $20 iTunes Card

The blog has hosted many giveaways, worked with well known brands and of course got to know more of you, our lovely readers. So as a big thank you and to say Merry Christmas, why not give an iTunes card to one of our lovely readers.

The back of the iTunes card – this could be yours.

The giveaway is going to be short to allow time to get it to you over the holiday period. The closing date of this giveaway is the 16th of December, this should allow enough time for postage.

How do you win?

Leave a blog comment on why you deserve this iTunes card. Do you love your eBooks? Do you love your music? Is someone a pain to buy for and this will help? Let me know. The most creative answer will win, or the person who most deserves the card.

Fill in your entry below and remember to leave a blog comment. The giveaway is open to everyone not just Australian residents so get your entry in. By filling out your details you agree to be emailed news about the blog and sent our new newsletter when it launches. If you ever wish to unsubscribe you can do by clicking the button on managing the subscriptions on the right hand side of the blog.

Note: The closing date of this giveaway is the 16th of December

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for following the blog and all your support over 2013. I am hoping that 2014 will be bigger and grander. Good luck and thanks again.