Diaries Magazine

WIN: Omo & Jif Cleaning Products

Posted on the 10 December 2014 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

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Do you wish you could make cleaning easier? I certainly do. I do wish that there was a cleaning and housekeeping fairy that would come and look after me and the house. However due to the fact that a cleaning fairy or housekeeping fairy is not real, means I have to do it myself! Or hire someone to. Hiring someone to help is not on due to no money for this task, so again it is up to me. Big heavy sigh! Yes I don’t like cleaning or housework.

I have found a way to make life a little easier. It is with great products that do what they should. Remove marks, stains and of course make your life easier. No more scrubbing like a slave to remove an unwanted stain or mark!  The twins have put marks all around the house and I was worried if it would come out.


I used Jif Easy Lift and it worked a treat! No more marks from kids. Well I do have some marks but that is in the wood itself, not by kids!

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No more marks and looking nice and clean. Thanks to the super powers of Jif Easy Lift.

No more marks and looking nice and clean. Thanks to the super powers of Jif Easy Lift.

My bathroom becomes very sparkly and clean after using Jif Easy Lift and it is not a chore to remove the marks and dirt. I need to give it another once over as I write this post. I am sure you find that the bathroom and other areas get messy especially more so with kids. With Christmas and New Year fast approaching it is a nice thing to have a whiz through the house to give it a good clean and tidy. I am planning this before kids end term for the year.

Omo also gave me a nice bottle of Ultimate 1L, however it was a top loader and I have a front loader. I gave it to a good mate Anna who is expecting her third child soon. Yes she has a lot of washing to do normally, but it will be more with a new baby soon. Anna was very happy getting the washing detergent and it came at a great time.

Anna happy that she is now the proud recipient of a bottle of Omo Ultimate. She has a top loader and I have a front loader. I thought she could use it with baby number 3 on the way.

Anna happy that she is now the proud recipient of a bottle of Omo Ultimate. She has a top loader and I have a front loader. I thought she could use it with baby number 3 on the way.

Jif and OMO cleaning products lighten the load for mums dealing with the toughest dirt. With its amazing stain removal first time, OMO helps to remove hassle by taking care of the laundry so that you can get back your precious quality time. Thanks to its advanced Lift-Action formula of the Jif EasyLift Spray range, it quickly softens and detaches dirt requiring less wiping, making it easier to get a streak free shine! Check out http://www.omo.com.au/ for more information

What can you win?

One reader will win the following:

•   1 x Jif EasyLift Bathroom 750ml Spray
•   1 x Omo Ultimate 1L (If you win, let me know if you have a top loader or front loader. We will send you the right one for your machine)

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  • Anna with her new bottle of Omo Ultimate 1L.

Omo/Jif is brilliant at housework, let them make your house sparkle! Maybe Omo/Jif is the housework fairy that I have longed for? You never know right?

How to enter?

Fill out the rafflecopter form, subscribe to the bog, and make sure to leave a comment on this blog post. No blog comment no entry!

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Tell us why your house needs to sparkle? How will Omo/Jif give you a help to make it happen?  Be creative!

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Who can enter?

Australian residents only

When does the giveaway end?

The giveaway ends midnight 17th of December 2014. Good luck everyone!

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