Hello wonderful people!
So as some of you may know, I recently passed the 100,000 hits mark on Scarphelia and it was well and truly bloody unbelievable.
It's absolutely insane to think that so many people curiously click on what I have to say, and I genuinely cannot thank each and every one of you enough.That's why I decided to hold a huge giveaway, the first I've ever done, to mark this mammoth milestone and also to thank you guys and give you something back for sticking around.It was important to me that the giveaway wasn't just some random stuff I didn't want, or a some generic PR samples of the latest lipstick or something, I wanted to really take my time and curate a bundle of beautiful and thoughtful gifts to pass on to some lucky winners.I have been super lucky to have been in contact with some amazing companies, all of whom have donated incredible prizes that I have gathered together in an 'Inspiration Hamper' - everything anyone could ever want or need to inspire them on to adventure, dream, write, create and flourish.
And this, is what you could win:
1st Prize Winner:
- Holstee Manifesto Wall Poster
- 'Go Away, I'm blogging!' Mug
- Map Print Scrapbook
- Bright Ideas Notebook
- Pocket Mirror
- teapigs English Breakfast Tea
- Paper Plane Print Tights
- Paperself False Eyelashes
teapigs Chai Tea*
Well, would you get a load of all that.
So here's a little bit about the brands behind the prizes, and why they are so important to me.
A slightly more recent discovery than the others, but I actually can't remember what I used to drink before teapigs graced my palate. Their teas are absolutely exquisite, and I have genuinely become a little bit of a snob when I go home and Mum offers me a bog standard cuppa.
My favorite has to be their classic 'everyday brew', which is not only tip top in taste, it also has the most unique silky little teabags which are almost too pretty to pour hot water onto!
There is also the deliciously fragrant Chai Tea which is up for grabs for the 2nd runner up.
Not only that, the wonderful people of teapigs have even been generous enough to provide a 10% off discount code available for use until the end of March, exclusively for Scarphelia readers *
Just pop in 'scarphelia' in the discount code box as you checkout, to save a cheeky little bunch on me.
* excludes cheeky deals, pic'n'mix and matcha kits.Not On The High Street
It was on the recommendation of a close friend that I first checked out Not On The High Street, and I kinda love her and hate her for it in equal measure.
I love her for it, because I have been opened up to a fascinating world of whimsical little gifts and curiosly unique things that I didn't even know existed. And I hate her for it because it is a procrastinators paradise, and I can literally spend HOURS scrolling through the site, gazing in wonder at all the fabulous little gifts.
Not On The High Street have provided quite a few of the gifts in the hamper, including the above pictured mug, the paper cut-out false eyelashes, the Bright Ideas notebook and the paper plane printed tights. I actually had an internal moral debate about this mug, 'cause of how much I want it for myself, but in the end my conscience got the better of me, and it's going to one of you!
In fact, in one of my most popular posts of all time, you can see how popping into the Kings Cross branch of Paperchase changed the very nature of my day, and my thoughts.
I'm actually kind of a bit giddy about this one too because when I contacted them asking if they would be interested in a possible collaboration, I cheekily asked if they could send me two items to feature in the bundle.
When I opened my parcel from them a few days later, I had received all of this!
As with all of these brands, I have been awe struck by their kindness, generosity and general enthusiasm to work together.
Now Holstee by far the closest to my heart.
I don't think it's actually quite possible to put into words what Holstee means to me. And no, I'm not being paid to say this!
The reason is, I actually had the very first idea to start Scarphelia when I was working in an Italian restaurant in the summer of 2012, and I saw this poster on the wall.
I didn't know what the hell it was at the time, but it felt like I'd been waiting my whole life to finally see those words written down, so randomly, like some kind of divine sign from a higher power. And in that moment I decided, I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I was going to change my life.
One of my first EVER blog posts was written about this poster (as I didn't know what it was, I actually referred to it as 'the poster') and the link runs even further than that.
A few months after starting Scarphelia, a random stumbleupon link took me to a copy of the poster, to which I then discovered it was called the Holstee Manifesto. I was so overwhelmed that I sent them a gushing email of adoration and admiration, and they ended up publishing my story on their site, which was a truly surreal and magical moment.
And now here we are, 100,000 views in and Holstee's inextricable link with Scarphelia is still going strong.
And so I am proud to say that I am genuinely honoured to be providing a copy of the Holstee Manifesto as a prize in my giveaway.
And so, without further ado, here's how you enter! :
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The giveaway will be open for one week commencing the 1st March, and I am genuinely wriggling with excitement to see who gets to win this lot!
Fingers crossed, and thank you all so much, for everything.
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