Wind, i Hate You.

Posted on the 06 June 2011 by Agadd @ashleegadd

Santorini is windy. Not wear-an-extra-layer windy, but hold-on-to-your-head-because-it-might-fly-off-your-neck windy. Our first two days in Santorini there were wind gusts coming in at 35 mph (!!). At night we could hear it swirling around our villa and howling against the windows like a possessed monster. The trees swayed so violently they looked like they might snap in half at any moment. When you have long hair like I do and there are 35 mph winds, you have exactly three options for going outside;

a) Slick it back into the tightest ballerina bun you can manage, secured with 87 bobby pins and one entire can of hairspray.

b) Pull a Britney Spears and shave it off.

c) Tie a scarf around your head like a gypsy.

Because ballerina buns give me headaches and I wasn’t sure if Brett would still find me attractive without hair, I opted for option c. I felt ridiculous, but the head scarf was better than the severe hair whiplash my poor face would have endured without it. Make no mistake, I’m no Willow Smith. In any case, if you ever find yourself in Santorini, especially in the Spring, be sure to pack a scarf for your head. Bobby pins and hairspray will not be enough. Trust me, I tried. And don’t be discouraged when half your pictures look like this…

Consider yourself warned.