"No one looks stupid when they're having fun." Amy Poehler
This is pretty much a straight re-blog from Cup of Jo, sorry about that. Actually no, I don't feel guilty, because it's a pretty damn awesome quote. Of course - you can find the original post here. You should go comment and tell Joanna what awesome taste in quotes she has.On the verge of sounding like a bit of an arse, this quote really hit home for me because I can remember dancing away (probably looking like a lunatic) at some live gig back in my teens and feeling like a total dork. In fact, this fear of looking dorky, or more, having other people notice my dorkiness would make me cling to the bar all evening rather than dancing. It had nothing to do with the fact that the bar served alcohol. Promise. So yeah, no more of that. In fact, next time I'm out - I'm going to embrace the fact that I can't dance, or sway or mosh to save my precious life and just have a good time anyway.