Wonderful Homey - Homemade Rosemary & Chili Oil

Posted on the 26 February 2012 by Alison @AlStaples

Something quick, simple and cheap for all you 'Homey's' out there.
You can make the most amazing flavoured olive oil by taking:
Wonderful Homey - homemade rosemary & chili oil
  • An old HP Sauce bottle
  • A handful of rosemary
  • A handful of chili flakes.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.

Bung them all in the HP Sauce bottle (that's a technical term). Leave it for a couple of weeks for the flavours to infuse - and then use it for cooking and salads. 
Wonderful Homey - homemade rosemary & chili oil
Keep it in the fridge and it will last a lot longer.Give it a shake and you've got a beautiful twinkly red hot chili 'snow globe'.
Please note, that according to the web site 'A series of kitchen experiments' if you include garlic, then it may cause botulism - and nobody wants that!
More tips from the 1950's - when I think of them!