Word Game: “Springing Up on a Wednesday”

Posted on the 25 September 2013 by Stressingoutstudent @SOStudent

Rhymes, riddles, Scrabble, Green Glass Door… Who doesn’t like a good word game?

Here’s a word game for everyone who enjoys all of the above. Good for passing the time, whilst working the Broca gears in that sharp noggin of yours (and whoever you’re going up against).

Players: It requires at least two people to play.

Time limit: Usually it’s just however long it takes for the person to guess the answer, but you can add a time limit if you folks are up to it.


Think of a two-part phrase, where one part rhymes with the other part.

Let’s pick “cattle battle.”

Inform your opponent(s) how many syllables your phrase has by following the “Think Pink” formula:

1 syllable per part = Think Pink

2 syllables per part = Thinky Pinky

3 syllables per part = Thinkity Pinkity

4 syllables per part = Thinkiditty Pinkiditty


For “cattle battle,” you would tell your opponent(s) that you are thinking of a “Thinky Pinky.”

Finally, give them a creative clue for them to figure out what your phrase is.

(“Cattle battle”): A violent altercation among bovine.

And there you have it. Really dig deep into those creativity centers for your clues. Make them obscure, make them funny, make them long-winded – but keep them fair. Be creative with both the clues and the Think Pinks.

Can you figure out the “Think Pink” that I’ve put in this post? Check out the title of the post for the clue. The first person to guess it will get a feature on this blog in an upcoming post!

Get it, got it, good? Can you think of some Think Pinks for us to figure out? Post them in the comments or even post them on your blog. (And link back to this post for the rules). Share in the nerdtastic wordgasm!