Words of Gold and Silver

Posted on the 30 August 2012 by Muhammadhazem @MuhammadHazem

Courtesy of: basharbbr  
ألم يروا كم أهلكنا من قبلهم من قرن مكناهم في الأرض ما لم نمكن لكم وأرسلنا السماء عليهم مدرارا وجعلنا الأنهار تجري من تحتهم فأهلكناهم بذنوبهم وأنشأنا من بعدهم قرنا آخرين  (سورة الانعام/ أية رقم 6 )
I typed down the words that my father spoke to me. I heartily appreciated his choice of words as many others would choose not admit their failures. My father was perching limply onto the saggy couch, breathing with mild difficulty after devouring a sweets-drenched meal. His eyes looked tired, his posture indicated repletion. '' Muhammad, I don't want you to make the mistakes I've made. When I was young, I gave no heed to the quality of the food I ate. I enjoyed my youth and did not moderate my style of eating. And here I am, Muhammad, reaping the sad results of my former thoughtless food consumption. You ought to always be moderate, tread onto all roads without sinking into their darkness. You ought to think ahead and be tactful and wise in your decisions. I want you to be happy and complacent with your life, '' my father advised shamelessly.  
I marked his words with shades of gold and silver. I reacted seriously and showcased my appreciation. When somebody gifts you the insights that cost him his life onto a golden plate, you ought to ponder about his words; when somebody's love for you transcends his ego and gently coaxes him to gift you words of wisdom and foresight, you ought to feel gratitude racing heavily under that tender skin of yours. We can learn from the wounds of those close to us; of those who do not mind being an example for learning, for stopping another life from collapsing by recurring blunders. My father advised me to avoid his mistakes. I am now heavily responsible for leading a pleasant life for I will be the greatest fool to not have my father's advice as my guiding religion. I am now heavily accountable for taking brighter roads for I will be blind-hearted to not avoid the roads my father marked with darkness.  
If we chose to learn from the sobs of the heart broken, we shall never yearn for treading on her path of romance. If we chose to learn from the bitterns of those who failed, we shall never year for the wrong decisions of temporary satiation. Only if we chose to apply reverse engineering on the deepest advices, we shall live a life marked by the highest levels of righteousness and sobriety from all that is stifling and stunting.  I sit humble and tearful in the face of those who mutter advices of meaningfulness. Allah honored us with an inferring mind. Let us enjoy that blessing and activate it fully. Let us lead blissful lives, inspiring and empowering our spirits.
Advices that are met with an open heart can lit our dark roads. They are intended signals along the way so that we might turn around and take the better roads of life. If the shattering of the lives of all of those around us will not awaken our hearts, what shall do? Learning is a progressive concept that when empowered, life progresses in parallel. I chose to act upon my father's advice; to learn from his mistakes. I chose to spare myself the suffering so that I won't speak the exact words to youthful men and women that I will come across as I grow older. My father advised me and I advise you to bathe your mind in the words of those who care. May Allah bless you with the most tactful decisions.     Inspired by: My father's valuable advice to me and my appreciation of its value