Work & Breastfeeding

Posted on the 17 March 2016 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw

As most of you will know I head back to work on Monday after being off work since the middle of July. Whilst I wrote a little a while ago how I was feeling about my return to work after maternity leave, I wanted to write a dedicated post about returning to work and breastfeeding. Can they go hand in hand?
Well in my case, I hope so. Breastfeeding was always something I wanted to get right this time around. I struggled with Darcie but, this time the experience has been wonderful and it's something we don't want to give up on just yet. I was uber proud to reach six months, my original aim was six weeks (I only managed 4 with Darcie!) so we have a new goal to reach the year mark! Who knows we may venture beyond that. For now, we have the hurdle of transitioning to my work schedule.
I will be working 5 days a week (term time only) 8:30-2:30pm. My plan is as follows...
I will...
Do the morning feed Express at 10:50 Do the afternoon feed at 3pm Bedtime feed at 7pm Express at 10pm
Henry will...
Have his morning feed with me Have breakfast at 8:30am Expressed bottle at 10:30am Lunch  at 12pm Expressed bottle at 12:30pm Afternoon feed with me at 3pm Dinner at 5:30pm Bedtime feed with me at 7pm
On a Monday when Henry is at Nursery he will have to have an extra bottle of expressed milk, and I will have to do an extra expressing session as I don't pick him up until 5pm. But other than that I'm hoping it will all be fairly straightforward and my supply will maintain as it is now. 
If you have any words of wisdom, please feel free to share them with me! My only worry is I only have a 20 min window to express and at home I can take around 30 mins, but this is usually in the evening when it's supposed to be harder to express then. I'm hoping I can make it work.
Have you returned to work whilst still breastfeeding, where you able to successfully keep this up?
Mummy B xoxox