First, there is a new pope! What?!? It is Pope Francis. I'm not Catholic and not really sure about the system. But it's not everyday that we get to see a new pope elected. I read a great post from Lisette at Northern Belle Diaries blog about how you don't necessarily have to be a devout Catholic or even religious to know and get excited for a new pope.
Many of you know that I am religious and often post about it, but first and foremost I am a Christian. I also love learning about other religions and how they work. I am working with the amazing ladies, Kelsey and Megan, right now about the Mormon faith.
Right now I think people are using this time to think about their faith or lack of faith (No judgment here) to re-energize their life and put perspective on things. At least I am so we'll go with that.
Second, GFC is leaving July 1st? Seriously say WHAT?! This is crazy! I'm not prepared for this. I guess I will have to follow everyone via Bloglovin. Speaking of Bloglovin, follow me here (Shameless plug, I know.) If you haven't heard, which I am sure you have because everyone and their dog is blogging about it. I'm sad but excited all at the time. If you are a blogger then you kinda live and die by that number. We all participate in blog hops and giveaways in hopes to increase that number. (Insert movie clip from Stick It.)
I think we all follow bloggers on our reader than forget about them. Not to be mean, but that's the reality of the situation. I'm wanting to get everything switched over immediately. I might take down the followers sooner rather than later.
I really thought there would be more but I could be just forgetting about them right now. Sorry for the long post!