
Posted on the 05 October 2013 by Leah-Jlynn @Leah_Jamielynn


Write, it seems like  an easy thing to do for those who like to do so. But, when I think of the word. My first thought is, what I’am going to write? Which is odd, for me, because I’ll go a few days of not writing due to work and lack of free time.

However, during those times my mind seems to wrap around storylines, with each memorable event that happens through out my day. Or, those events that I claim as adventures, as my day sometimes drags on.

I just simply want to write and create something, change a situation into something blessed and magical. rather than seeing it as it is. I must say before I continue, life is not all bad. Joyfully, I can say not at all.

Sometimes I have more  memories  filled with  laughter. These usually are from those unexpected  situations. Where, comedy ensues from a simple reaction, and varies others things.  It’s from those moments that I want to add to a story.

Or, simply, just something that we see every day, I want to see as  valuable  and with feelings. Like,seeing a vintage blender left behind, for a much a newer era. I look at it and I want to tell a story, of  it being let  behind or bought.

Even as I write this, a story clicks in my head. This story, is on how an older women saw this olden blender. Where at once see saw it. She  bought it. Because, it reminds her, of her of grandmother .Who, loved to use, one just like it, especially during the holidays.

But, instead of using this one, she gives it a place of integrity. She , puts it neatly  upon a self, in front of the kitchen window. Where, she plants a budding  plant, in it. It was a plant she was rooting from her sister’s plant.  And I , the writer , can see a  smiling blender, who’s happy to be useful in such a lovely  home.


I went past five minutes and I wanted to go on, but it’s time. Please join us at Lisa Jo Baker’s for 5 minute Fridays. Today’s prompt is Write.~ God Bless in Christ, hope to see ya there.

As, I’ve also working a writing  for a week.That I, will be happy to keep you posted. .