Writing Jobs?

Posted on the 10 February 2013 by Jhouser123 @jhouser123

About 10 minutes after I released a tweet about my blog moving to this new space, I got a message on twitter from one of the most fake-sounding accounts I have seen in a long time.  It was @Writer_Jobs_  and they had followed me that day.  All of a sudden I get this message saying “Hey… do you want a writing job?” and considering the fact that I read this message at 3 in the morning, I was skeptical, yet willing to do anything for money (not because it was 3 in the morning).

Writing Jobs?I was highly skeptical of the whole thing, but I decided to investigate just for the sake of knowing what this was all about.  I started looking deeper into what they were talking about, and as I clicked on link after link, I was led through those absolutely fake looking websites that you know are a scam.  After a few clicks, I was here, at this website, realwritingjobs.com and let’s be honest, at this point, I know this can’t be real, but I figure I might as well see where this takes me.

Any website that has to put “real” in the URL is clearly fake.  After you put your first name and email address into this nice little form, you end up at a screen that then tells you to pay $68 to get access to the site, but because they need writers so bad, they are willing to give you 50% off their little scam.  How nice of them.

As much as I wanted some extra money on the side, and as tempting as the pictures of checks written out to people in the amount of $110 for one restaurant review, I don’t think this was the site for me.  If someone wanted to offer me a legit writing job, I would guess they wouldn’t make me pay $34 to start.  Maybe some day someone will actually offer me a job, but until then I will stick with my humble blog.

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