WWE Monday Night RAW in Portland OR - The 4 B's Were So THERE!
Posted on the 12 August 2014 by Rodeomurrays4
Perhaps you didn't know this about The 4 B's... We are, in fact, HUGE WWE fans! We never (okay, almost never - extenuating circumstances do interrupt at times) miss Monday Night RAW or Friday Night Smackdown - EVER! We plan everything around these events, within reason, of course. And we thank our lucky stars they have reruns on Saturdays in case we missed them! So it was with great anticipation that we attended Monday's RAW performance at the Moda Center in Portland. We knew this was our big summer adventure, and guess what? It didn't disappoint! We picked the best RAW ever to see! We didn't know back in May when we bought our tickets that it would be Hulk Hogan's birthday and therefore a huge birthday celebration for him, including appearances by WWE living legends and icons. LUCKY, LUCKY US! It was a night we will never forget! We had perfect seats and were thoroughly entertained from start to finish, and what a finish it was...! Above, we found a close parking place and were thrilled to be able to get Brady into the building without too much walking on his crutches. And then we had to wait in line. For quite a while, too! We thought we were there early, but it turns out we weren't. It was fun to see everyone dressed up in their shirts and WWE character costumes and all the signs. It created a fun, exciting atmosphere right from the start. And then we were in! And there it is - the ring! We had great seats and could see everything perfectly. A Hulkamaniac... Lots of people took their picture with this guy. My B's wouldn't let me get one with them in it. I didn't get too many other pictures, because the action was just too jam-packed and enjoyable to watch, and I was also scared of getting kicked out, because you couldn't film, and I didn't want them to think I was filming. But at the end, I clicked away! Below, almost ALL the WWE stars! Amazing! And then the birthday boy himself - Hulk Hogan! And then Brock Lesnar tried to ruin it all... Barging in and staring down all the legends... But Jon Cena saved the day! I love the picture of him below smiling as Hulk blows out his "9.99" candles. And then the balloons! This was so much fun! Thousands of balloons and confetti fell to the floor - super exciting and cool to experience! See Hulk on the screen in the balloons?! And after all that excitement of the superstars, old and new, the standoff with Lesnar, the balloons and confetti, here came Vince McMahon, Owner of WWE. He and Hulk hugged each other and then Hulk left, and guess what? We have been reliving every moment of the show and talking about it nonstop! It was a once-in-a-lifetime show with all the superstars and the prelude to Summer Slam 2014. We love the drama and the stories and the characters, and we got to see almost all of our favorites, and we are hoping they come back to Portland again, because we are ready to go!