Creativity Magazine

Wyrd Sisters - The Auditions

Posted on the 17 July 2013 by Miscriant @miscriant
I'm really, really excited about this.
The Canterbury Players next production will be Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters.
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsI must confess, I have not read much Pratchett.  I have however read this one.  For those of you unfamiliar with it, it's basically Shakespeare's Macbeth with a hefty dose of common sense, dry humor and, dare I say it, magical reality sprinkled over the top.
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsNot sure what I mean?
Here's the (abridged) opening.
A blasted moor.  Lightening cracks and thunder rumbles.  Mist swirls and three misshapen figures are huddled around a dark, twisted cauldron which boils with green fog.  Over the roar of the storm a screeching voice cackles "When shall we three meet again?".
There's a pause.
"Well I can't do next Tuesday, I'm babysitting for our Derek".
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsYou get the idea.
I was desperate to be involved with this play.  I didn't care how - I just wanted to be a part of something that I know is going to be brilliant fun.
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsI auditioned on the first day and was fairly amazed when I got cast a few days later.  I was even more amazed when RV, the Director, asked me to be his Assistant Director.   We were a double act on Teechers when he was my AD so I know that we work well together. 
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsThese photos are all from the second day of the auditions.  I won't go into too much detail as RV has given an in-depth account on his own blog which you can read here
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsRehearsals start in August and we are on stage in the first week of November at the Gulbenkian Theatre in Canterbury.
Wyrd Sisters - The AuditionsI can't wait.

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