X is for Xenodochial

Posted on the 27 April 2013 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Just three days left to the #AtoZChallenge – and we are on Day 24! I am definitely going to miss this when we wrap it up.  Sigh.

It is X for Xenodochial and I was introduced to this word by my very dear friend Kaarina Dillabough when she had the business Alphabet series on her blog last year. What a fabulous collaborative experience that was! Hers is one of the most xenodochial blogs I know!

xenodochial is defined as “Given to receiving strangers; hospitable”

xenodochium is “A house of reception for strangers and pilgrims; a hotel, guest-house, especially in a monastery.”

xenodochy is the “Entertainment of strangers; hospitality.”

Do you find my  blog xenodochial? 

Thanks notbuyinganything.blogspot.com

I am pleased to be your xenagogue - do make yourself comfortable as we browse a few X words!

xenoepist is “Someone who speaks with a foreign accent.”


xenodochiophobia is “An irrational fear of foreign hotels that may include a fear that there won’t be soap, proper toilet paper, clean towels, etc.”

Interesting eh?

xenoglossia  is the alleged power of a person to communicate with others in a language which he/she has never learned in psychic research. It is the knowledge of a language which supposedly has never been studied by certain people.

xenoglossy is a paranormal phenomenon in which a person is able to speak a language that he or she could not have acquired by natural means. An example would be a someone who speaks French fluently and like a native, but who has never studied French, never been to a French-speaking country, nor associated with French-speakers; would be considered to be an example of xenoglossy.

xenomania is an insane fancy for or obsessive interest in foreigners or for things foreign.

xenonosocomiophobia is a fear of foreign pickpocket specialists which should not be considered an abnormal anxiety.


(ref: http://wordinfo.info/)

Oh, anyone remember Xena the warrior princess?

And Xanadu, Mandrake the Magician’s abode?

Wikipedia image

X is also for Xylophone and this brings back many noisy memories from my son’s childhood. The happiness continues whenever we have friends visiting with kids.  I find it delightful to see kids freaking out over creating noise. LOUD noise. Yes. Nothing compares to shaking up the energy in a space with children’s laughter and their “activities”

And finally, it is X for xoxo

Enjoy your weekend!

Today, I recommend

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge – check out this post about the A to Z Reflections linky

Jer’s blog: Ordinary Never Sleeps

A special thanks to Roshni for mentioning my blog in her W post!

And since it is Saturday, here is a list of posts from this week:

Spring Cleaning Spells Freedom

Top Twenty Turmeric health benefits

Universe Unfolds

Vitamins for Vegetarians


Xenodochial – you are here now.

Feel free to browse around!