Xeroxing Smiles

Posted on the 27 April 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

X. Hmm. Imagine next Monday we’ll all be talking about our Blogging from A to Z Challenge experience, eh? Sigh.

For X, last year I wrote about Xenodochial and today I had planned to talk about Xanthippe, the shrewish nagging ill-tempered wife of Socrates. Then, while trying to find info about her, I found that someone had already written about her last year and there isn’t much fun info anyway. Turned out it wasn’t a very wise choice, pun intended.

So. I decided to put on my thinking hat. No sooner than I reached out to pick it up, when I realized, hey, let’s talk about my favorite topic! So it doesn’t begin with an X. So what? I can make it, right? I did. And here you are.

Xeroxing Smiles

Did you know you can Xerox smiles? You can. You must. What with the hectic lives we lead, it can get exhausting and it is easy to forget to smile and find that little frown sneaking in, with plans to stay. That’s not good.

There’s scientific proof that laughter is the best medicine, no matter what the ailment. That’s because smiles trigger the positive in your attitude and make you see the silver lining in any situation.

The next time you feel stressed, smile. When you smile, your body releases those happy hormones – endorphins – and this results in a mood change, showing stress the backdoor. By the way, fake smiles work too!

When you smile, you look good even if you do not have makeup on. It is an instant way to glam up. Ask anyone. People who smile look a lot more attractive.

Did you know that smiling strengthens your immune system and prevents colds? Truth. Smiling also balances blood pressure. The great thing us, we are all born with the ability to smile. When you don’t feel like, force yourself to smile and watch your mood improve.

Smiling knows no language barriers. It is a universal sign of happiness and acceptance. As much as I enjoy collecting smiles, I enjoy giving them too!

Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth are turned.

Just for fun, here are some interesting stats about smiles:

  • 99.7% adults say an attractive smile is an important personal asset.
  • 74% people say that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chances for business or career success.
  • 63% people say they look best in photos when they are showing their teeth.
  • 23% people say they look the best with their mouth closed.
  • 62 – Number of times a day the average woman smiles.
  • 8 – Number of times a day the average man smiles. (Heh!)

Mark Twain once wrote, “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been!”

Every time you smile it is an action of love – a gift ~Mother Teresa

The greatest thing about smiles is, they cost nothing.

Did you know that a single smile can generate the same amount of brain stimulation as 2000 chocolate bar?

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. Smiles can change lives. And one size fits all!

It’s not that people stop smiling when they grow old. Fact is: People look old when they stop smiling.

So, go ahead. Become a smile millionaire! Xerox it. And Xerox it good!

So! Are you smiling enough?

P.S.: It is technically wrong to say Xerox – it is a brand name. One should use the word “Photocopy” instead. I should know. I worked with Xerox.

Day 24 of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

X for Xeroxing smiles.

Come on, let’s go visit:

Sulekha Rawat: Memoirs

Melanie: Days in the life of a Christian Veterinarian

Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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