His mother, grown weak by the pressures of household and child bearing without the time to heal, gave up after his birth. After struggling for thirteen hours in labor, he was born, yet to be named – the thirteenth son of the schoolteacher’s family, born on the thirteenth day of the month, thirteen months after the twelfth son. The moon was in the thirteenth day of its cycle, cast an evil shadow on the boy. As he emerged from his mother, wailing, green eyes glinting wildly, so unlike a new born baby, one could see his mouth covered in black toxins. A day after he was born, the midwife who delivered him, died due to severe burns. The flames began to engulf her, unannounced. The maid who found her later could find no source of the fire.Always under the shadow of his brothers, much like the jealous moon reflecting the light of the more powerful sun, he knew for his distracted father to notice him, the brothers would have to die. For his thirteenth birthday, he asked the eldest brother for one present – a trip to the sugarcane fields.Right in the middle of the field, he looked up at the sun, challenging it to show its powers. He was taunting the sun, to accomplish his own mission. The sun, in all its arrogance to thwart the child of the evil moon, set fire to the sugarcane fields. The thirteenth son watched, as his brothers burnt. He seemed protected by the evil powers. He came out, unscathed. Alone he remained, the thirteenth son, now the only son of the schoolteacher. The one with a toxic mouth, the one with diabolical feet that charred the ground he walked on.
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