
Posted on the 30 April 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Today’s letter is Y, and my mind went totally blank on possibilities.  I wrote a shape poem without using the letter Y*:

It's about     privilege.
  No one is     amazed or
   awe-struck    with poems
   sans the  letter
   between x & z.
   It is a
   gift of
   to ones
   of loop,
   & vowel.
   E and I
   n o t .

Then I thought some people might think I was making a social commentary so I decided I needed to do something more frivolous.

I thought I could take a picture of egg yolk and photoshop it.

Wonder Yolk? Not all she’s cracked up to be….

He might as well be walking on the sun.

Just a run-of-the-mill eggistential crisis.

Then I couldn’t find the bunny ears I wanted, and Dave wouldn’t let me adopt a bunny just so I could take adorable pictures of her ears, so I moved on.

From “Where’s Waldo”, or “Where’s Wally” for y’all non-Americans. I put two Y’s in there. Click to make it bigger.

None of these were really full-post level ideas, though, so I just kept stalling. I considered just skipping the day’s challenge altogether, but I had a lot of agitated energy– the turbulent and confusing, but creative and productive sort.

I asked a friend who knows all the words in the universe if there’s a name for that type of energy. Yes, he texted back:

Not a real screenshot of the text. Thank goodness for generators.

I guess I found my Y word.


Do you ever have those days where you have more energy than is helpful?

* If you e-mail subscribe, you got the version of my poem littered with Ys. What happened is that I wrote the poem naturally and then took Y’s out.  When I copied it over, it bojangled and I guess I copied an old version.  So, chalk it up to poor editing and a worse day.  At least it was shaped like a Y. I’m calling it a win.