Y’all Leave Pete Davidson Alone, Ffs.

Posted on the 27 January 2019 by Monicasaidso @MonicaSaidSo__x
I am sick and motherfucking tired of bitchy lil madams (I don’t care what your gender is you are a madam to me rn) on the internet saying shit about that adorable, Simpsons-character-made-into-a-real-boy-ass-lookin’ angel of a human. 

Davidson’s Dad died in the fucking 9/11 attacks; that’s how fucking sad that guys life has been. He lost his father at aged seven, his dad was heroically fighting fires and trying to save lives. What have your parents done Cassandra from Liverpool? They raised a shithead, that’s what they did. While you were in primary school probably bullying some kid for not having cool enough shoes or some shit like that Pete was trying to kill himself. You have lead a fucking privileged and whole life in comparison so pipe the fuck down. Death and loss haven’t been a part of your childhood. You’ve never felt grief so deep you wish you were dead. You didn’t have to carry anything but your carefree self when you swung on the monkey bars or tried to touch the sky on the swings. The internet fucking loves harping on about how important mental health is and how they support the struggles of those suffering right up until any fucker shows symptoms. Y’all love a giving hashtag or an inspirational quote. Everyone’s so god damn tolerant and supportive until someone genuinely needs help and I hate you for it. I see idiots who are really cruel to people sharing posts online for likes about mental health and it makes me wanna smack them in the mouth with an giant marrow. Some people are so misinformed and easily led when it comes to mental health, which is baffling because in the age of internet - reliable, unbiased and professional led information is so readily available- just fucking educate yourself. It’s not difficult to read up on topics that you wish to discuss with others, discussions are what lift the veil and questions break down the barriers between us all. All you have to be mindful of is how you pose your questions, be careful to respect a person while inquiring about them. Context, respect and support are everything. I keep seeing dipshits saying shit like “HE DESERVES IT HE’S AWFUL” or “SHAME HE HASNT TOPPED HIMSELF YET”. I wish I could throw a gone off egg filled nails in the face of each of you. Disgusting, vile and pathetic behavior from behind a fucking screen. You’re really pushing someone to suicide through an app. Wow you really need to work on why that makes you feel big and bad. Did your parents not love you? Were you rejected by those you find attractive? What is it that makes you spew such petty and rude bullshit? Comedy is how that man deals with his shit. I know so many people who do the same - I am one of these people. Half the things I say on a day to day basis would make your skin crawl. I say them because that’s how I face them and I would jolly well looooove to see anyone, fucking anyone on this shithole of a planet tell me that I’m disgusting and wrong for it because I’ll let you know that I’m not wrong or bad for having to process awful things with humor. What would be the alternative? Here’s something that will make you hate me if you hate him. A few weeks after I miscarried I was sat in the bath crying silently cuz I really hate crying for someone who does it a lot and my brain piped up just as I pulled the plug - “I bet this is what the baby did when they heard you while in your uterus. THIS BITCH FOR A MOM??? No thanks YEEEEEEET”. Yup I quoted a vine to myself in a joke about my miscarriage while sobbing because honestly it helped. When people ask me about why I want to be sterilised I say shit like “Hit the jackpot with the first one - he’s perfect for an inbreed and I didn’t die”. When I talk about abuse I’ve suffered I always follow up with “BUT IT MADE ME FUNNY SO JOKES ON THEM”. I cannot process sad stuff like other people death, loss, domestic abuse and shit like that have almost always been a part of my life until I got married. When I talk about my mental health and suicide I make jokes because what else am I meant to to? You try and talk about wanting to die when you were 5 when you have child who’s going to be five and not be miserable after- humor is my way of coping. By the time I was five my parents spilt up, I lost a sibling and I got picked up from school cuz my flat got set on fire so we had to move and I started a new school like what do you want from people like us? Do you want us to be classically sad people? Would you rather we didn’t joke about the shit that’s happened to us? Would you rather we went to group therapy and dosed up on our meds? Bitch this ain’t the motherfucking movies. Getting the help you really need is fucking difficult, accepting that help is even harder, going through all of the therapy required to manage to get to a place where you are a semi functioning person takes years. You don’t just deal with it all. I’ve been the happiest I have ever been in the last few months but god when I get sad do I get sad. I’m talking ugly crying with snot and tears coming out of orifices that I didn’t know expel snot and tears. Listen really carefully to me rn - just because something makes you uncomfortable and you think it shouldn’t be joked about doesn’t mean other people are then not allowed to joke about it. Pete Davidson using humor the way he does is one of the most relatable things I can think off. I don’t smoke - gave up when my then fiancé said he hates it, I don’t drink cuz let’s face it I’d be a mess if I did, I don’t take any form of long term medication cuz once you pop 25,250mgs of painkillers- pills in general, tend to give ya the heebie jeebies. I don’t live recklessly, I don’t have a death risking hobby. I just joke. Pete Davidson lives at home with his momma and his at times crippling mental health. You don’t like it? GUESS WHAT FUCK HEAD NEITHER DOES HE YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Do you think if he could have grown up a normal kid with no dead dad he wouldn’t have wanted to? You think he wants to have BPD? All the people I know with BPD *DO NOT* want it. The guy smokes weed in a state where it’s legal with permit and makes jokes. Leave him the fuck alone you horrid little baggies of bin juice. You don’t get to decide how someone copes. We are all just out here trying to fucking get through the day. Instead of being offended by what a comedian said, go find something worthwhile to be offended by. Gender pay gap, gender inequality, childhood poverty, racial divide, the current political climate, the dwindling icecaps due to climate change or something worth fucking while caring about. There is so much going on in the world right now that you could be using your energy to care about and bitch about. Leave Pete Davidson alone, unless you’re there to support him - he’s got enough demons, the poor fuck doesn’t need you to be a dick to him. Go be useful, instead of whatever it is you’re calling your behavior now. Try harder to put positivity out into the world cuz lord knows we need it atm. Love,Monica
