Y is For...youtube

Posted on the 28 April 2012 by Fab40foibles @fab40foibles

(source - standingdog.com)

A big thankyou to my mate Vanessa for suggesting this, I was worried for a while that I'd have to take up yoga, I'm just not supple enough and always too worried about farting loudly or something else embarrassing to be able to relax.

Much more relaxing - in the short term is to hang out on youtube with a glass of wine after everyone has gone to bed. I say in the short term because hours later you sit up, realize the bottle is empty, it's way past bedtime and you've leapt from Florence and the machine to Tears for Fears without noticing it, glance at the sidebar and think " oh, I'll just listen to this" while you open another bottle and that's it, the slippery slope.

Before you know it you'll be gazing obsessively at Enrico, the Kings of Leon (all of them) or worse, Nickleback.

From here it's only a short step to repeatedly listening to that song that was in the charts when the love of your life dumped you at a school disco for a fourth year. Next thing you know you've found him on facebook and spent the next hour studying the photos of his wife and kids.

The worst thing is when, the next day, you pop into facebook and realised you posted your 426 all- time favorite songs the night before.

Perhaps I should take up yoga after all.