Yakety Yak, #779

Posted on the 04 September 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Oh dear!  I just learned that my daughter’s getting in trouble at school, because she talks too much.  If you knew my daughter, you would know that the accusation must be true, and you would also know what a character she is.  I have a funny little girl who is sweet as pie and completely considerate of others.  I can assure you all that her talking stems from curiosity and because she is one of the world’s greatest social butterflies.  The most amusing part of this story is that when her teacher talked to her about her incessant talking, she blamed it all on her Grandma chalking it off to heredity.  (No Mom…not you….the other Grandma)

I feel bad for my daughter.  Talking really IS in her genes.  She comes from a long line of talkers, and guess what?  I used to get in trouble at school for the very same thing.  Oy vey…..could she really be doomed?

Of course we have spoken to her, and she now knows that she better zip it, and she better not blame her actions on someone else.  Seriously girlfriend….take some responsibility please!  (Of course…the minute she turns the corner I’m doubled over with laughter!)

What other song of the day could I possible have today besides The Coasters’ “Yakety Yak?”  This blog post just calls for it!  So click HERE to listen to this 50′s flashback, as I have just a few more minutes of silence before I wake her up!