Diaries Magazine

Yale’s Handy Hints for Christmas Security!

Posted on the 12 November 2015 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog

Today I have a festive post by Yale, who are sharing their top tips for Christmas security..

Yale’s Handy Hints for Christmas Security!
Christmas is fast approaching and the latest gifts and gadgets will be filling your home as you frantically try and hide them in your wardrobe or on top cupboards to keep them out of reach from the kids. But it’s not just kids tempted by the extra presents.

The whirlwind of shopping trips, festive parties and frequent visitors means home security can quickly become an afterthought and, as a consequence, burglaries increase by up to 20% over the winter months. With this in mind, the security experts at Yale have come up with some seasonal advice to help protect your property this Christmas.Knock knock, who’s there? The festive season sees more frequent visits from friends and family, the postman delivering the gifts you’ve ordered online as well as the odd carol singer. As a result, Yale recommends investing in a digital door viewer to see who is at the door before opening it. That way, you have to be satisfied that they are who they say they are and have identification to prove the purpose of their visit. If you’re unsure, keep them out.Stay alertIf you’re away over Christmas perhaps on a much-needed break or spending the holiday with family, it’s important to make sure your home is protected while away. Alarms act as the perfect visual deterrent with the newer, internet-connected models alerting you via your smartphone if triggered.Lock it upFilling our homes with latest gadgets, laptops and expensive jewelry provides thieves with the perfect incentive to commit burglaries. Statistics show that two thirds of burglars gain entry through a door and 30% of burglars access homes through a window. With this in mind, it’s important that your door and window security is up to British standards during the darker months. 
Don’t just bin your boxes Dispose of gift packaging and rubbish carefully. Too often people leave their new gadget boxes outside by the bin, which makes window-shopping for potential targets even easier for burglars. Bin collections over the Christmas and New Year period are often at different times, so remember to take note of any changes. Consider taking the label off boxes and also resist the urge to advertise your new gifts on social media.

By following this simple advice, you can help protect you belongings, home and family for a much merrier Christmas.Yale’s Handy Hints for Christmas Security!
Yale’s Handy Hints Christmas Security! 

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