Yes, I Am a Geek

Posted on the 09 October 2015 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hey guys,
So today, let's talk about being a geek, a dork, a label. I like to think I have multiple labels. I'm a girlfriend, a sister, a friend, and a hundred other things.
Today though I am admittedly a geek. I'm not ashamed to say I love playing Sims 3, Runescape, Fallout 3 etc. these are labels I wear with pride. These are my hobbies, things I love to do with my spare time, and if that makes me geeky, I'll dam embrace it.  So why do I love these things so much? Well because they are fun!
There's something about embracing your labels which can boost your self confidence. If you know who you are, what is there to stop you from ripping off these labels and being just you! Labels only exist for people who are too shy to rip off their own.
It's okay to be yourself, and sometimes being yourself is the best thing you can be. If we don't embrace our labels into our personality, then are we really being ourselves?
I'm sometimes embarrassed to confess these things, but why should I be? Maybe it's because I'm 21, slightly introverted, and maybe they are just too "childish" for some. Today though, I'm going to embrace my labels, welcome them to my personality, form a real representation of me.
Let's embrace each others labels as well as our own. Maybe when we all do this, the world might be a better place.
This brings me to the song, 'Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen'  I've most likely harked on about this song before, but it really embodies things I'm feeling at the moment. If you are ever having a phase where you are unsure of your place, who you are etc. this song is perfect to listen to. Lurhman offers impeccable advice, his words offer real gems of wisdom. If you have never heard it, please listen to it. It really teaches you the value of being true to yourself. I try to listen to it at least once a week, honestly.
So I hope you go forth and rip your labels off in full celebration of who YOU are!
Gracie xxx