This week’s challenge to make a BETTER ME was to try a hot yoga at a place I’ve been meaning to attend for way too long. I was so excited to get to finally go…And as I’ll share here, it was one of the best (and embarrassing) experiences ever. Read on to find out why.
I’ve done yoga in a lot of places for a many years…Don’t be fooled though. I’m not any good at it; I just can’t call myself a beginner anymore (but maybe a beginner II.) Since I was exploring fun ways to lose weight, it was time to finally take a "hot" yoga class. Lucky for me, they were also running an unlimited yoga for $25 introductory offer, so I signed up.
My bliss suddenly turned to embarrassment when I totally ripped one in the quiet classroom that was playing no music and I knew no one. Well not really ripped one, as passed one, as I would come to find out in my future research.
Lucky me.
Thankfully, no one in the classroom snickered, so I was able to finish the class. While totally red-faced, I was able to blame it on the heat, so I could escape without making an issue.
When I got home, I went straight to one of my best friends, Google, for answers. I couldn’t believe what I found! First, I certainly wasn’t the only woman who ever did the Passed Wind “pose” in class. It actually seemed quite common, especially for women who have had children. This passing of air happens because of the the loosening of the pelvic floor that happens during pregnancy and childbirth. I even found a story of a pharmacist who would see swarms of women come into his drugstore before a yoga class and consume large amounts of meds in hopes to try to keep the “vart” (as Aunt Yoga described it) from happening. While this made me feel better at home, I still had to face up to the challenge: returning to the class that I was so excited to attend again. I’ll be happy to report I haven’t had any more embarrassing issues happen since the first one, but perhaps it looks like I was able to conquer “Passing Wind” for now. I've returned around four times now, upgraded my yoga mat and purchased my first yogitoes. Never heard of it? You better learn. For this class, you're gonna need it. It helps to contain the euphoria.
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